Sunday, April 25, 2010


On Saturday Jon and I went to the Friends of the Library Book Sale and to the Waldo Flea Market.  At the Flea Market we bought a pair of Steins for my friend's birthday (we celebrated later that night at Stubbies.)

This was an attempt to try a new finals technique: Study the bare minimum for the easier finals to avoid burnout before the harder ones.  Good thing a few of my classes have a 3.6 curve!  I thought that that the shopping trip would take my mind off finals.  (Ugh 5 of them!)

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Comic books are serious business to Jon.





There is so much stuff in this place.  I think we spent about 2 hours here and didn't even really examine anything!


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I've also been working on a mediation video.  I was supposed to be done a few days ago, but I've just been busy.  I will try to finish it tomorrow, I don't have much left to do.

PS I've switched to Flickr from Photobucket, so click through for bigger images!

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