Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So I renewed my WoW account yesterday.  I even found a leveling guide.  Normally, I think these kinds of things take away from the game experience; however, after unsuccessfully  trying to level a bunch of chars just becuase I don't have it in me, and successfully leveling my mage, I figure I've earned the right to use such a guide.

I tried to log in around 11 AM and was unable to.  I then remembered Tuesday = server maintenece.   I did some poking on the website and come to find out that maintenance has been extended.

However, do to "mail box" issues, I went to bed at 11 PM and the servers were still down.  (They were all supposed to be up by 9 PM.)

I check server status this morning, all excited to make a new char, and possibly stick with it this time, and the servers are still down.  This time for some "shopping" issues. 

I wonder if I call and complain they will give me a one day refund......

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